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Why License Library?

Because you can’t control all the data in software license management yourself. Benefit from the License Library’s unique combination of technical content and high-quality services.

What drives us

The License Library’s strength lies in explaining complex topics simply, preparing knowledge and making it effectively usable, and always keeping an open ear for users’ needs.

Why customers work with us

Because they save a lot of time by just retrieving structured and validated data and information rather than having to do extensive and cumbersome research themselves.

Icon license knowledge

Extensive portfolio of licensing and usage rights

Icon checklist

Detailed verification criteria for on-premise and SaaS products

Icon Datenbank

Integrated SKU database including live search

Icon light buld, gears

Open source and font licensing expertise

Icon employee speaking with headset

License checks and questions via ticket

Die License Library ermöglicht der IT Baden-Württemberg (BITBW) einen schnellen und direkten Zugang zu Lizenzdokumenten und kaufmännischen Lizenzinformationen.

Mit dem integrierten SKU Tracker prüfen wir unklare Rechnungen und verifizieren erworbene Lizenzen. Dadurch erhalten wir eine transparente Sicht auf viele Lizenzbeschaffungen, können diese entsprechend sicher verwalten und lizenzfachlich einordnen.


IT Baden-Württemberg

Our promise to you

The License Library is a unique knowledge database, whose editorially maintained and validated content drives your operational license management and strategically supports your software procurement.

Be successful with the License Library and benefit from:


A continuously growing number of manufacturers, use right information and SKU entries

Sprechblasen Ausrufezeichen, Fragezeichen

Provable and understandable solutions for complex licensing questions

Icon Händeschütteln

Fast response times and support via email, phone or ticket

Ready to accelerate your operational license management?

Do you have any questions?

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